전영혁의 음악세계

Hawkwind - Warrior On The Edge Of Time (1975) [UK]

세한연후 2019. 4. 2. 05:04


1. Assault & battery - Part I (5:34)
2. The Golden Void - Part II (4:37) 
3. The Wizard Blew His Horn (2:00) 
4. Opa-Loka (5:40) 
5. The Demented Man (4:20) 
6. Magnu (8:40) 
7. Standing at the Edge (3:45) 
8. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (3:55) 
9. Warriors (2:05) 
10. Dying Seas (3:05) 
11. Kings of Speed (3:25) 

Total Time: 47:15

Line-up / Musicians

- Mike Moorcock / vocals (3,9)
- Dave Brock / vocals (1,2,5,6,11), guitar, synth, bass (4)
- Simon House / piano, Mellotron, Moog, VCS3 synth, violin
- Nik Turner / tenor & soprano saxophones, flute, vocals (7,10)
- Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister / bass, vocals ("Motorhead")
- Allan Powell / drums, percussion
- Simon King / drums, percussion